March 31, 2001

My father said that he's going to be in Australia for a whopping TWO DAYS, so he said Andi/I should stay here and not go to Malaysia! FUCK THAT! I'm probably going to have to work anyway. You should all make a trip down to Melbourne town and observe my life. A sad and sorry affair. The ethnography would be entitles "Ha ha, sucks to be her: a week in the life of J.Juhasz".

AVHAN IS HERE IN 12 DAYS! I am going spastic making a list of things I should show him while he's down here: Melbourne's is a great city, and I am going to make sure Avhan's feet BLISTER for all the sightseeing he will be doing. Art galleries/museums/parks/gardens/pubs/the local McDonalds/alcohol/etc. A feast for the senses!

March 29, 2001

criminal thing: wtf? I have a whole different image of australia... I think I will have to come up (down) sometime... I have alot of family in them parts.

My image of australia is children getting drunk with their parents, mayors of towns relaxing in 40 degrees celsius weather in inner tubes in a lake, and menacing koalas attached to the bottoms of helicopters. Of course, the simpsons (and a couple of miscellaenous anecdotes) shapes pretty much that image. And who's not to say that it also shapes my reality.

I have one finger too many on each hand.

I am great great great. There are probably 40 different things I should be doing right now rather than blogging, but to hell with all of that!

I went to bed this afternoon at 4pm because I was cold. One minute I'm settling down with my mythology text and the next second I am waking up and it's 7.30pm. Bah.

And now for something completely different:

Foot and Mouth: The hoo-ha (what a great term!) seems to have died down somewhat over here in Australia. I've not been watching the news lately, so I don't know how things are over in Britain. Front page of the newspaper today in olde Melbourne towne - a convicted criminal, who was on a day trip from the psychiatric section of one of Australia's many fine institutions of rehabilitation and colour television, went missing. Here's the great part, and why I'm so proud to be Australian:

i. His minders didn't report his disappearance until an hour after they suspected he'd run off.

ii. They found out that on previous day trips, this criminal had been a. renewing his passport; b. renewing his forklift (wtf?) license, c. and ADMITTED to staff he would kill again.

iii. On the front page of the newspaper, they have this criminal wearing a rather dashing BONNET. The photo was probably taken at a family barbeque 10 years ago. Okay, so that's just funny.

iv. When his minders finally realised that he wasn't coming back (they'd let him go to the bathroom unsupervised), they decided that instead of immediately notifying the proper authorities, they'd just drive back to prison. And then notify the authorities - hence the 1 hour lag time. Riiiiight.

The Australian Economy: Still shit, I think. I don't know, I haven't been buying US dollars lately.

Harry Potter: You're right, Vin - Roald Dahl was the MASTER of children's literature. I even enjoy the stuff he wrote for older audience's - his "Switch Bitch" collection and "Kiss Kiss" being favourites. I didn't pick up that J.K. Rowling is obviously trying to write to different audiences - if I read the books in that light, you're right: the material is a bit wanky. I was trying to reading with a 10 year old's perspective, though. AHhh ... Roald Dahl. Damn he wrote some great books. And you're RIGHT! The Harry Potter books do get more violent. She's almost trying to do a cross between Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl - not with regards to violence, just story telling style.

Spam: I've been getting spammed by my UNIVERSITY. Today I had 13 new emails from my faculty. What the fuck.

Okay, not much else to report on now. I'm going to go update my other blog. Yay!

Oh. Of course it would publish that . Bah! BAH I SAY!

How come Blogger isn't publishing?

March 28, 2001

how's everyone doing?

iced sugared boxes sit atop sheeny tables in a blue and white room between the bar and the saloon
rosy flecked and party hats blend smoothly with the luscent walls between the wash basin and the toilet stall
crazy geese fly downwards, ease the mouth and stir the cloth of sensitive things between the finger and the wedding ring
victorian ladies patch their faces with laces and decide on higher things than their babies

March 26, 2001

eat my pajama bottoms

eat my pajama bottoms

March 25, 2001

Sorry you haven't heard from me in a while, guys: it's a case of having too
much stuff to do, and not enough time to do it in (and also wasting time
watching a lot of South Park and reading Harry Potter books. More on that

Vin: I really can't comment on the comments made be the new Israeli PM. I
wish I could help you out, but my political attentions have recently been
focused inwards. Australia is in a state of complete and utter political
turmoil: I think there is a Chinese Proverb that says "may you live in
interesting times", and we sure as hell are, kiddies! And not just
politically. Australia has been plunged into recession, suffering at the
mercy of the US dollar and an incredibly incompetent PM. Foot and mouth has
now been reported on Australian shores. One of Australia's major exports is
beef, and with the Australian economy already being reamed in the anus
already ... I dread to think.

Things are askew in the world, most certainly. More things than I could
possible comment on here.

Seeing the images of the livestock being burned in England is heart breaking
stuff. My heart really goes out to those farmers who are destroying
thousands of heads of cattle, not knowing whether they actually HAVE foot
and mouth or not. It must be fucking awful for them to have to do that.
It's a very interesting thought, Vin, that you should suspect that perhaps
foot and mouth was introduced. You never know. It's hard to know who to
trust nowadays. Hidden political agendas frighten me.

As for the music industry: again, I plead ignorance. Also, the French
suck. (Just Kidding).

And now for some lighthearted stuff: I'm currently reading the second Harry
Potter book. I was hanging out with my 13 year old cousin the other day and
she has now got me hooked. If you love Roald Dahl, you'd love J.K. Rowling.
These books don't talk down to children: they are funny, complicated and
very engaging. Sometimes I need a break from the Homeric Hymns and debate
on parliamentary socialism: and South Park/Harry Potter are sweet release.

Avhan is going to be visiting me in Melbourne over Easter, which should be
bloody fantastic. I bumped into Anita Emery in downtown Melbourne the other
day, and I will be catching up with her soon.

More to come.

March 24, 2001

I'm in my own little world, and I need to get out soon
the effort's running thin
I can't win
but that doesn't make me lose
selling yourself for that piece of good
It's impossible to be so truthful it makes me feel sick
but the cross-fingered hand plays a mean card trick
that predicts faster living.
apathy abounds from me
and I'm waiting for my 15 minute soliloquoy.
that perhaps makes me special
it makes me ill to think about it

in light of hindsight this'll all seem rosier
I might delight in a life more comfortable
but I'm missing the point all over again...

March 23, 2001

I agree.. drink that milo ais, and feel milofied!

haven't heard from joli in a while....

March 22, 2001

liberal feeling
ephemeral killing

crude mutes hunt for parachutes
and destroy the great white whale
activate the nuclear bomb
and walk on snails

OOC (out of context) - I'm really spaced out today, feeling victorian today.

alias Han wrote in rhymes to get attention,
he perhaps likes himself too much.
so in the rants that he'd barely mention
It makes for poems barely rough.

Gel my sideburns down by Han

sound is the sense (as in the 5 senses, or six if your a hippy) that for a deliberate arrangement, for appreciation and artistic sake, would require the most amount of effort to capture.

A "touch", to appreciate textures, is first degree. Nerves imprint on the brain the "feeling" of an object.
An arrangement of objects to achieve visual appreciation is as easy as taking a picture
taste, in food, makes for good dishes
now smell is a hard sense to appreciate simply because this is the decade that smokes too much, but it's appreciable, but who cares? It helps to know what shit smells like so you can avoid it. But I digress...
sound requires synthesis,
Unfortunately, the sixth sense (clairvoyance or women's intuition) can only be appreciate "by those who feel it"


this was a rant that if it were a human, would have been nurtured to adolescence then robbed of a couple of random (though non-vital) limbs. Anotherwards it's unfinished.

CDs? Who needs CDs? I have a vinyl ass that I stick on a gramaphone

I'm clean sober.

March 20, 2001

"Life is a box of chocolates, you'll never know what your gonna get" and as a fellow middle schooler said, "no matter what, you're gonna get fucking chocolates".

March 18, 2001

Which makes me cry, I'm that certain type of shy
hating to walk about
no clout, there's something wrong with me
I'm clouded and I can't see
I cross the line, become at loss and then crumble and realise we've been doing fine.
There's no harm in hurting, but the sheer charm of the flirting
disease, it helps to ease the feelings and block the scent of orange peelings.
What a shock, I'm bent from the killings. But I've never felt more alive.


March 16, 2001

Further news from burly political science professor:

(Friday after lecture):

jumping up and down "everybody, come to the Prince Alfred (a pub opposite the uni) on Tuesday after 5. We're going to have a pissup (massive drinking session after which few can walk). I want to see you all shitfaced, like I will be. And if you're 17, sod off, I don't want to know about you."


You guys are all very, very manly looking.

Loving the beards, you trashy bastards you.

funny, you look like a german muscle man touring with freak shows around europe. Whose thick, curly mustaches indicated how manly they were.

bob, with care and love

March 15, 2001

Fuck, I can't wait to see the pictures, heheheeheheh.

I wish I had something intelligent and/or profound to say, but unfortunately I have nothing. It's amazing what happens to me when I go to school. It's like my brain stops functioning and all that's really happened is that I've turned into a sponge and I'm kind of just sitting there and absorbing all this STUFF.

One thing I do like about my school is that each subject has two lecturers, and they trade off, so you get two different perspectives during the lectures. I think that's damn cool. So far one of my favourite professors is one of my political science lecturers. She's an Indian woman with a thick Australian accent, who is like TOTALLY passionate about politics. She swears, she's big and burly, probably about 35 years old, and after each lecture she sits around to talk with students as she rolls her own cigarettes.

That, my friends, is pure class.

On the other hand, my tutorial professor is an animal liberationist and environmentalist. She seems like a really lovely woman (if not a complete hippie), but today she talked for about 15 minutes on how it's hard for her to buy shoes because she's a vegetarian. I KNOW it's hard for hardcore environmentalists to buy shoes but PLEASE, tell someone who cares. Not on my time, lady. (We were meant to be discussing an article written about 10 years ago by Francis Fukuyama on how he believes that ideological history ends with liberalism. Damn interesting if you're into it. Certainly more interesting than a 50 year old woman's hunt for CANVAS FRICKIN' SHOES).

March 13, 2001

Your intelligence may have been insulted, but it's clearly not the most insulting intelligence in such a situation.

A dismissal like that is hardly worth getting worked up with, especially from someone with so little value for opinions.

I am not stressed.

March 10, 2001

An example of how I am stupid:

This evening there was a black out/power failure/brown out ... whatever you want to call it. About half way into this power failure, I realised I was walking around with my eyes closed ... as if I could see anything, anyway.

By Lord I am a dork.

March 08, 2001

I hate to be Frank, but the chat room does _not_ work. It is pants. So we need to find a nicer place to chat. The best thing I can think of is to log onto some public chat server, yahoo, msn, chatplanet....

March 07, 2001

I think we should get the members of this band in the fucking chat room and have people come in and ask them questions themselves. Like they do for major celebrities on aol and stuf. Or maybe that's a bad idea.

Just a quick note aimed at our readers (and we get a fair few readers from all over):

We encourage you to argue with us, pose questions for debate and email us with your opinions/rants etc.

Don't be shy, email us NOW!

March 05, 2001

questions under no particular order:

Does any of the band members know how to swim?
Can a band member talk to other band members outside of gigs?
Are any of the bandmembers left-handed?
Which of the band members have had sex?
Would band members gang up on other band members in fights?
How many band members does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Is Britney Spears one of your influences?
Where does God figure into your lives?
Do you have a dog?
What happens when the guitarist loses his car keys?
What Asian instruments would the band members compose music with?
How many of the band members can bench-press singlehanded?
How many of the band members can bench-press single-handed other band members?
I eat with the left-hand and wipe my ass with my right, how about you?

March 04, 2001

Yeah, we should totally do that (meet up in the chat room).

I can't think of many questions to ask your band Meekz other than stuff like:

1. How was your band formed.
2. Who influences your music.
3. Who personally influences each of you as musicians?
4. When the FUCK are you going to decide on a name, or is 'drungaruda' it forever.
5. Is it true that Mark is a pothead.

I need more info. MOREEEE info.

March 03, 2001

No problemo, Mikko. I'll do it first thing in the morning. It's time for me to go sleep.

March 01, 2001

Uber , yet again, hits the nail right on the head.

Also -

The Complete Friends Index : relive the joy and comedy of old school Friends. Or, if you're so inclined, you may relive the HILARIOUS antics of Married With Children.

I know I had something important and interesting to say. I can't remember what exactly it was, though.

So I'll just say this: there are SOOOOO many cute boys (and girls) in my poli.sci tutorial!