February 25, 2002

I know that is not how you spell "you". On my part that is not the way to use the word "hate", but that is the way you spell Keyser Soze. I have no idea what avast means. Bunt a bundt.

Have not seen "made", Jon Favreau kicks ass though. Mullholland Drive is showing this Friday, the new David Lynch film, actually its a triple bill, first Mullholland Drive, then Lost Highway, then Blue Velvet. Its like a 6 hour lynch fest. When I first saw Lost Highway on TV in London, I hate the fact the presenter spoiled most of Lost Highway for me before I even saw it, he was talking about what happens at the middle of the movie, the completely odd and shocking transition. But he also revealed the inspirations for Lost Highway, which were equally bizarre. For instance, Lynch actually had a dream that someone buzzed him on his intercom saying... fuck it, I'm not gonna spoil it. If people haven't seen the movie, see it with an open mind. Kevin Mcleod told me who Keyser Soze was, I have since been repressing the hatred and disgust for people who spoil movies. To quote Captain Ahab, "Avast!", and poxes on ye!!!

February 24, 2002

Sorry things have been quiet. I got a job and I'm getting ready to go back to uni next week. It's weird how I had nothing to do for ages and ages and now I have everything to get out of the way. This is all because of my shameless procrastination.

(Nish called me this morning, and I may go see her and Avhan at the end of this week. I'm not sure, it depends on how work looks).

Has anyone seen Made?

February 21, 2002

At some end semester party at some club called Penfeld, five people died in a rush to get indoors; the organisers sold 6000 tickets to a venue with a 3500 capacity. There is now a march going on now in memorial for them.
Awfully quiet on this blog.

February 18, 2002

I bet software sequencer is really something else. Can't hear it, the client software is firewalled up the ass, I can't be bothered to figure the whole thing out.

February 15, 2002

the type is so small on the screen it looked like you "took a 2 hour rap", which I thought unsurprising coming from meeks, there are raps and then there are raps, but a 2 hour one is exceptional, I couldn't think of anything at that point, so I began reading the fine print a little better and I realised it actually said, "two hour nap". "So fine then", I said, so rap is bad, is it? I really couldnt quite figure it out, one has to dig deep into these things to realise what is really being said, I like rap myself; there, a shred of me is on the examination table, a shred, I am naked as the day I was born. hallelujah. Write me an ending mr spielberg, to contain my obsequities, I am naked. Ultimately, a rap that is 2 hours must be exceptionally good, freestyle comes to mind, ooooh I need to hear some freestyle. Is this freestyle? certainly not, rap is performative, it is also poetic. Also, if you may recall there are actual literary distinctions of a "cluttered sentence" where meaning is contorted to the degree that is is considered no longer pleasant, prose makes this distinction, poetry liberally conforms to this. Rap is nothing academic, it is personal, yet it is public. Ah the irony, oh the nakedness!

February 14, 2002

Havin my Valentine's day as we speak, and right now I am listening to Propagandhi and I will probably go to sleep early tonight; perk of being in a new place for little time, I can hardly predict what I'll be doing tonight.
Right enough of that.

I'm guessing we're talking about Insane Clown Posse. My favourite ICP song is 'another love song' (as mikko will know), and they talk about killing and stuff like that. I find it humourous - maybe killing isn't funny, but you have to appreciate humour where humour exists.

HOw was everyon'e Valentine's Day. I spent mine with the same person for the second year in a row - a close friend who is male and loves males. It feels good.

February 12, 2002

It's something that needs to be sorted out; this whole issue where the resizing of a window resets the value of a text box in every single web browser, just lost a bunch of words.

Well I'm back on academias internet pocket. But the whole client-network thing is new to me, they're using STARoffice in this place. Never used Network software before; color me personal computing.

Let's see about these questions, bear in mind I answer from my own understanding of the article, much of the information I gleaned is inferred, like the Sweden thing; that is self-evident to some degree. But anyways: First I lead-in with a verbal parry.

Why is everything so black and white with you, the man and woman in my opinion want to give light to the issues plaguing the current system of production, that cheap food is a misnomer, mainly.

Much like the issue of using a car. We think of it in strictly manufacturing costs, yet the detrimental effect it has on the environment can also be thought of as a "cost" in owning the car; a car does air pollution, noise pollution, etc. Hidden costs like these are called externalities in Economics, specifically a negative externality in this case, and a way to think of a wat to deal with these hidden costs is to make the consumer pay for them. In theory; that is the general idea they run with when they say consumers do not pay for the full cost of food.

Which leads into the whole debate in healthy, cheap food. The synethesizing of the cheap food means reproducing it at a profit, which is becoming next to impossible for the farmer, because he recieves less and less of a percentage of the revenue for his product and must cut corners in production to maximise profit. That's where all these organic nuts come in because they start haranguing farmers about how unsafe fertilisers are, but the farmers don't care that much because they aren't seeing much of the dime consumers are shelling out. But it's the only way a farmer can fashion a profit. I think.

I quoth you: "The disasterous results to the environment, and the whole sustainable agricutlure point are very powerful arguments."

Yes they are.

"but i suppose the reducing of food prices needs to necessarily be met with automation;..."

ah-ah, the automation of food is a meeting of the immense, immediate demand for cheap food. Reducing food prices is simply a trend preserved by marketing execs in all these supermarket firms.

"and in order to produce food in the amounts that the US does, using huge amounts of land is unnecessarily wasteful (from an economists point of view, admittedly); why let the hogs roam free?"

You lost me slightly, I suppose we are in agreement in that large amounts of land that has been maximised of it's productibility (production potential, dunno economic term) is what the US wants. I think what needs to be added to the equation is that the government means to incite supplying immediate wants, through it's regulation of the farming system (ie: hogs roaming free)

"...i don't think that would necessarily reduce the need for government tax breaks or incentives anywhere near enough to influence that amount of tax that goes generally into subsidies. and, even though small time farmers are defintely losing, government subsidies into agriculture do drive down food prices enough to offset the taxes paid. "

I think you have mistaken ideas of what a subsidy is, I will have to answer this part a bit quickly; being kicked out. A subsidy can exist as an anti-tax (haha smart of me), I think it might be good to think of it as a College grant for Farmer Brown. The farmers complain of getting less tax breaks, generally in competition terms, more unfair/hostile treatment from the government than a typical mega-farm. So "an amount of tax that goes into a subsidy" is incorrect, there is no equilibrium mechanism within governmental policy that says the taxes need to meet the subsidies, of course you know this; I'm impatiently patronising you. haha.

Sorry will have to take a crack at your questions some other time, I understand where the article came from, I don't understand what you think the article says.

February 11, 2002

Incidently, I just ran into an article that makes clear trends in food right now are worsening. Farmers being given smaller shares of food profits. Larger and larger percentages are being given for the whole-selling of these products, marketing, packaging etc. Cheap, efficient, environmentally-harmful productivity. Mega farms cater large amounts of food using government subsidies and receiving tax breaks meant for entrepreneurial, small business farmers. Erosion and artificial chemicals, altering the biosphere aren't being stopped. I really should give the URL, here. It isn't easy reading, but I offer comparison to counterbalance the banality that is Alex Chiu.

Ultimately, the future points away from fluffy shit like that.

RE: Alex Chui's eternal life device
The man's entitled to believe whateve he wants, as long as he supplies ample evidence. For some reason the statement "the future will have large food skyscrapers cultivated for food, and there will be no war", doesn't digest well with me. After offering diagrams of these cultivating skyscraper apparati.

C'mon, the whole prophet thing should've been quashed after islam and the dissemination of hallucinegenics into western culture. I may be a spring chicken, but this is why the internet is such a font of crap these days. In my humble, biased opinion.

February 08, 2002

hey mikko, i have a question -

is juan in ma anymore?

i sent him something at his address and i got a return to sender "has left country."

February 06, 2002

Right, so in France, the keyboard is not a qwerty keyboard. It is a azerty keyboard. It means, all the buttons on the top of the keyboard are not numbers they are symbols. You need to press the shift key to get the period (.) it is weird. also the letter m is beside the letter L. Clunky. I can't fathom why they enjoy fixing things that are not broken but that's just the way. As Elton John once put it, it is the circle of life: right. fuck off, elton. Oh yeah internet is kind of screwy here. None available at the uni.

Shit the keyboard is pissing me off: it has the q beside the s on the second row the w on the first key from the left on the bottom set of letters. Interesting: so if i were to type nor,qlly you zould probqbly see so,ething like this in the ,ix qnd ultinqtely you zouldnùt understqnd q zord Iù, sqying: I suppose they need to change it around because of all the letter like e with an accent on it I have a feeling this keyboard is special in france. fuck that: my predeliction of swearing must now take a backseat to actually being able to communicate clearly: interesting, though ultimately masochistic of me to do something like this. Go to France, I mean. Still, all the more interesting.

February 04, 2002

Happy two minute update (UK cyber cafe update)

Going to France tomorrow, for 5 months, wicked. Will write, I need your addresses, because I want to send you all letters, well... those who are inclined to send letter, need reply. Send'em to my email. Because I miss those good old days of old fashion non-electronics. rock on. jam. pease.

February 01, 2002

Ok. Having just watched Moulin Rouge (which I didn't like, making me a traitor to my country, apparently), I am left with this question.

How can being in love be simulatenously (love that word) be the most desirable and most painful emotion at the same time.