July 29, 2001

Always already he is searching, searching in the truffle pits driven by pure lust. A monster made flesh by circumstances beyond everday comprehension, pushing ceaslessly through the snow drifts of cocaine in his perveted visage. They call him Han See. He is the ubermensch, the cyberdog, el heffe to his enemies, prince debauchery to his friends. How he came to live with us I am not sure, but soon the breeze that brought him here will carry him away. We will be left to pick up the pieces of our lives, and clean the man-fat and the baby paste off the walls and ceilings of our house. Never again, I fear, will we see such a rampant commitment to the pleasure principle in a single man. Malaysia/Canada I salute you for sending us such a role model. There will always be a place in our simple rural souls for a man of such noble Dionysian excess.

May Bacchus Walk with you all

Raw Lust and Goats Cheese,
Pat 'Wak Paradigm' Potter


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