December 03, 2001

VINAYAK. You're right, my poem was silly. However next time try to be a little more gentle and constructive in your criticism. Don't diss my art. DON'T. It makes me sad.

HEHEHEHE. I am just joking of course.

Sorry I haven't blogged on here in ages, but I don't know what to write about. Here is a list of things I could *potentially* write about:

1. What was on Springer today. ("My mom has a 17 year old girlfriend").

2. What was on Oprah today. (Maria Shriver gushing and name dropping - "oh, oh, I'm related to the Kennedys, everyone should love me." SORRY, hon, you lost all respectability when you married Arnold "Kindergarten Cop" Schwarzeneggar. I find it hilarious, and just a TAD BIT COINCEDENTAL, that she has called her new book, which is about mentally disabled people, "What's Wrong With Timmy?" South Park fans will appreciate the humour in this.)

3. How bad my dog smells (and he's just recently been washed, it's like he went out and deliberately stunk himself up).

4. This new radio competition they're having here in Melbourne that is just FUCKING INSANE and makes my blood run cold when I think about it. (Win 20 front row seats to the Live concert in Melbourne, and have drinks with the band after the show. What's the competition? BE BURIED ALIVE IN A COFFIN FOR 12 FUCKING HOURS. Someone please tell me that they're kidding).

5. A list of stupid things I did today.

6. My newfound hobby, that I resisted doing for years even though I found it completely intriguing, because Hollywood Fuck Sticks made it trendy. Yoga. Or, as I like to call it: YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING, I HAVE MUSCLES __THERE__, ow ow OW, what do you MEAN I have been breathing wrong for the past 21 years?!?!

Anyway. That is all for now. :D


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