Thanks so much for the reading list, Vin. I've come to expect that law books cost a lot of money, so the library is going to get a good work out. I was going to invest in a good dictionary, but I have a couple of months to save for that.
I resigned from my job at the bank last week. It was soul sucking, and when I told my boss that I had an offer to study law at ANU she was like "Go, go now. Why are you still here?" I also really needed that holiday. I said to my mother last week that I felt that it was important for me to defer for a few months because I was running on empty, spiritually. I have a very good pay out, and I saved a lot of money. I am in good stead for the next year, even without the generous help of both my parents.
And guess what happened today?
My mother had a procedure on her kidney last week. Just to tie up the loose ends and put what happened to her in the past few months. This morning she woke up (the morning I was supposed to be moving to Canberra), and she told me she felt unwell and hadn't slept. She was pale, and for a dark skinned woman, that is no good. I rang her specialist, who then spoke to her about her symptoms. He told us to bring her to the hospital immediately. She's there right now: slight fever, quite a bit of pain. It wouldn't be such a worry for the urologist if she hadn't come so close to death before. I just got home, and I know she is in good hands. Nothing puts my mind quite so much at ease than a good doctor (who totally looks like Sting).
I am so happy now with my decision to defer. I was apprehensive before - when I finish my degree/clerkship/articles I will be 25, which is not old, but not so young for a lawyer. Especially a female one who hopes to have children one day. I reminded mum of the conversation we had a few weeks ago, when I felt unsettled for reasons I couldn't identify. I said I felt like something was going to happen, and I needed to be here. She told me not to be silly at the time, but I strongly trust my intuition. Today she said she feels more comfortable with me around. I feel better too.
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