March 15, 2001

Fuck, I can't wait to see the pictures, heheheeheheh.

I wish I had something intelligent and/or profound to say, but unfortunately I have nothing. It's amazing what happens to me when I go to school. It's like my brain stops functioning and all that's really happened is that I've turned into a sponge and I'm kind of just sitting there and absorbing all this STUFF.

One thing I do like about my school is that each subject has two lecturers, and they trade off, so you get two different perspectives during the lectures. I think that's damn cool. So far one of my favourite professors is one of my political science lecturers. She's an Indian woman with a thick Australian accent, who is like TOTALLY passionate about politics. She swears, she's big and burly, probably about 35 years old, and after each lecture she sits around to talk with students as she rolls her own cigarettes.

That, my friends, is pure class.

On the other hand, my tutorial professor is an animal liberationist and environmentalist. She seems like a really lovely woman (if not a complete hippie), but today she talked for about 15 minutes on how it's hard for her to buy shoes because she's a vegetarian. I KNOW it's hard for hardcore environmentalists to buy shoes but PLEASE, tell someone who cares. Not on my time, lady. (We were meant to be discussing an article written about 10 years ago by Francis Fukuyama on how he believes that ideological history ends with liberalism. Damn interesting if you're into it. Certainly more interesting than a 50 year old woman's hunt for CANVAS FRICKIN' SHOES).


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