March 29, 2001

I am great great great. There are probably 40 different things I should be doing right now rather than blogging, but to hell with all of that!

I went to bed this afternoon at 4pm because I was cold. One minute I'm settling down with my mythology text and the next second I am waking up and it's 7.30pm. Bah.

And now for something completely different:

Foot and Mouth: The hoo-ha (what a great term!) seems to have died down somewhat over here in Australia. I've not been watching the news lately, so I don't know how things are over in Britain. Front page of the newspaper today in olde Melbourne towne - a convicted criminal, who was on a day trip from the psychiatric section of one of Australia's many fine institutions of rehabilitation and colour television, went missing. Here's the great part, and why I'm so proud to be Australian:

i. His minders didn't report his disappearance until an hour after they suspected he'd run off.

ii. They found out that on previous day trips, this criminal had been a. renewing his passport; b. renewing his forklift (wtf?) license, c. and ADMITTED to staff he would kill again.

iii. On the front page of the newspaper, they have this criminal wearing a rather dashing BONNET. The photo was probably taken at a family barbeque 10 years ago. Okay, so that's just funny.

iv. When his minders finally realised that he wasn't coming back (they'd let him go to the bathroom unsupervised), they decided that instead of immediately notifying the proper authorities, they'd just drive back to prison. And then notify the authorities - hence the 1 hour lag time. Riiiiight.

The Australian Economy: Still shit, I think. I don't know, I haven't been buying US dollars lately.

Harry Potter: You're right, Vin - Roald Dahl was the MASTER of children's literature. I even enjoy the stuff he wrote for older audience's - his "Switch Bitch" collection and "Kiss Kiss" being favourites. I didn't pick up that J.K. Rowling is obviously trying to write to different audiences - if I read the books in that light, you're right: the material is a bit wanky. I was trying to reading with a 10 year old's perspective, though. AHhh ... Roald Dahl. Damn he wrote some great books. And you're RIGHT! The Harry Potter books do get more violent. She's almost trying to do a cross between Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl - not with regards to violence, just story telling style.

Spam: I've been getting spammed by my UNIVERSITY. Today I had 13 new emails from my faculty. What the fuck.

Okay, not much else to report on now. I'm going to go update my other blog. Yay!


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