March 22, 2001

Gel my sideburns down by Han

sound is the sense (as in the 5 senses, or six if your a hippy) that for a deliberate arrangement, for appreciation and artistic sake, would require the most amount of effort to capture.

A "touch", to appreciate textures, is first degree. Nerves imprint on the brain the "feeling" of an object.
An arrangement of objects to achieve visual appreciation is as easy as taking a picture
taste, in food, makes for good dishes
now smell is a hard sense to appreciate simply because this is the decade that smokes too much, but it's appreciable, but who cares? It helps to know what shit smells like so you can avoid it. But I digress...
sound requires synthesis,
Unfortunately, the sixth sense (clairvoyance or women's intuition) can only be appreciate "by those who feel it"


this was a rant that if it were a human, would have been nurtured to adolescence then robbed of a couple of random (though non-vital) limbs. Anotherwards it's unfinished.


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