May 25, 2001

I would dearly love to proclaim myself as being evil. Unfortunately my mother has beat me to it.

I can't wear a watch because my hand hurts. Not because the watch is too tight around my wrist (as someone suggested with all the genius of a plank of wood), that isn't the problem. But I get so nervous and aware of things around my wrist!

But on to bigger and better things: the web pag is still down because I'm still a bit busy. I am loving the business though. My sister will be in KL (most likely) this summer but I have to stay here and ponder things with great intensity. If she goes and any of you are there, I will be sending stuff. Although I have been meaning to send stuff for like a year and have been way too consumed by my dark cloud.

Hey guess what - I am seriously considering doing some tarot card readings for extra money. I've been getting pretty good at it: really accurate readings, people hitting me and saying "how did you know that" and "exactly." Apart from the bruises I am getting a weird kick out of it. I have my mum's friends hassling me. It's pretty funny.

And now for current events!:

Big Brother, My Dark Obsession : starting to bore me. Which is really sad. The boys are not so cute.

Robert Downey Jr. : An example of what you can get away with if you're famous. He is very cute. I love him a lot. Too bad he's a smackhead.

Okay, so I don't have that much to write about. Hehe.


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