July 06, 2001

Here is a group of pictures. Put your cursor over them to see caption, and click on them to see the full size image. A bevy of pictures from Langkawi, and the fateful bbq chicken night, where EVERYONE got drunk, some passed out (Uzma, Han), Juan came to visit and many a mobile phone was trashed.

drunk chicken night at the impiana

drunk chicken night at the impiana, with tyler and mikko. many mobile phones were destroyed that night.  han passed out

court, mark, joli and meekz outside a club in downtown k.l. this is later on at chicken night

 tyler and mikko, playing guitar in langkawi (this is aditya, engels, joli and andi's room)

wan and steve in langkawi
engels, aditya, joli and mark out the front of engels', aditya's and joli's room in langkawi


mikko got drunk and passed out on the train from langkawi to k.l. tyler and joli took this opportunity to decorate his face

mikko, joli and mark talking in langkawi

our beachfront at langkawi


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