October 01, 2002

I have been reading War of the Worlds for about a month now, and I am having trouble getting into it because I am imagining the aliens in the book to be like those who are on the Simpsons. Big, tentacled, drooling things. The book is ruined for me. RUINED. I am trying to read it as an allegory, which does nice things for me. Other than that I am elbow deep in the Bible, Virgil's Aeneid, Dante's Divine Comedy (Inferno), and Homer's Odyssey. That is because I am writing an essay on the subject of hell in selected literature. Fun, yes. Useful? No. :D

I am going to be in Dublin from the 1st until 14th of December. I am going with a friend, an English lad who has lived in Australia for some 16 years. Originally I was going to stay with Imran (he said it was okay), but a few days ago he told me that it's not okay, because his girlfriend is disapproving. So now I'm going to be hosteling/hotelling it. After that I'm off to NYC, Washington DC, Chicago for a varying amounts of time, then San Francisco to visit my grandma for about a month. Then back to Melbourne to finish uni!

I think we are the only ones to use blogger instead of email, etc.

We should all convene, if we are in close proximity.


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