I went out to a hardcore gig last sunday afternoon, after two glasses of beer and I felt sick and hungry. I'm back on the cigarettes. I've started a music collective. So far there's punk songs and something to do with playing different kinds of electronic music with acoustic instruments, Boy came back to town yesterday and I'm gonna jam with him tomorrow so we'll see what we come up with. I've been interested in freestyle rapping and I tried some tonight and generally that's what I contribute to the mix.
I don't know where that is going, but it's fun and I get to try out different vocal styles. I haven't been doing my research, I can't get the rhythm of a punk song. "What's to get" you may ask. I have no idea, but I can't write one to save my life.
Sleeping heinously, alot of hours and waking up tense. Half the time I don't have my wits and I'm slow on the uptake. I've started exercising and this seems to help.
I've taken to fucking with people. I've started keeping a slack face so everyone thinks I'm pissed off or I stare into the middle distance like I'm dazed but when I get into the moment I start with the sarcasm and I smile, so no one knows what's going on with me.
Sometimes I hang out with Wan and Hobbit. I see Yan every couple of days, sometimes I see Zalfian. Rarely, I see Ahmed, Azalea and Efi. Sometimes I spend time with my parents, I had dinner with my mom at KLCC last monday. Keep in mind I don't live with her so I have dinner with her about three times a week.
brainstorming ideas on the guidelines for a dogme movie. Done in Mike Leigh/Ken Loach style. Tight and topical.
thinking about a play on censorship. Something to do with the screen kiss.
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