January 08, 2001

I'm flying off soon for london via amsterdam where I will have to start pretty fast on my four essays, which is pretty much my only source of anxiety right now. I'm gonna miss everyone here, but I'm equally curious as to what will happen in the next 11 months. God. Anything could happen. Rivers erode and towns flood in days, in terms of all things drastic, 11 months is a hell of a lot of floods.

So I'm approaching this new year with fear and confusion mainly. Confusion out of my frustration of being unable to speculate on the future. Fear mainly because I'm quite an upright person and hate to be out of my element, and the future is not my element. Which then makes me the person evasive to change. But change occurs whether you barricade the doors or not, so I'll relent with the heavy objects and brace myself.


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