February 13, 2001


a salubrious rant from the 19 year old octagenarian

I like all things without prejudice. Other thoughts of loft are superfluous because they just serve to drag you down. We enjoy living in the reality and to some degree have satisfaction with ourselves. One allowable satisfaction is an illusion. That illusion is the tolerance for difference. Several distinctions must be made:

The word tolerance meaning a segragated existance from distance. Observing but never interacting.

Difference ranging from aesthetic and profound, to sexual to racial.

We believe we tolerate difference. Difference is a concept exemplified on one horizontal plane where all possible variations lie within this plane. If the certain variable that perfectly modeled Han and a variable named vinny were to be placed on such a plane, they would lie an arbitrary number of units away from each other. What manipulates the morality of society is the imposition of certain values through mass media. The deeper structure of TV advertisements, shows, mainstream movies, all hold constant ethical restrictions that the public has grown to accept and conform to. We therefore have conservative society which tolerates everything but accepts only a portion of reality he is willing to cope with.


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