February 02, 2001

Here are some topics I think are worthy of discussion. Maybe not deep discussion, just mild banter will do:

1. Contraception: from an ethical standpoint, either biological or religious.
2. Assisted suicide (euthanasia)
3. The Narnia Chronicles as religious allegory. I understood it in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, but none of the others.
4. Valentine's Day and how much it SUCKS.
5. Why people (politicians) lie so much, and is it possible to be an honest politician. What qualities would an ideal politican possess?

Okay, so, now I'm just babbling. BABBLE BABBLE.

I also took the gender test today on The Spark . Apparently I am male. Woo.

Also, today I saw the wife of Dr Anwar Ibrahim coming out of a shopping mall in Melbourne. NO SHIT . I took a second glance, and my sister, with the guile and enthusiasm of a toddler, followed her out of the mall, then said hello and introduced herself to the (stunned) woman while I stood ahgast. My sister first asked to confirm she was indeed who we thought she was.

I think my sister gets this strange ability to talk to random (famous) people from my dad: once, on a flight from Sydney to Melbourne, my father noticed that the man sitting behind him was Bob Hawke - a former Australian Prime Minister. My dad got out of his seat, offered his hand, said 'G'day Bob, my name's Joe Juhasz, howzit going mate?'.

Mrs Anwar (I forget her real name, woops) has big feet.

Anyway, I am sweaty from a work out (look at my, er, muscle, flex). Time for shower.


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