September 16, 2001

nah, in the grand scale of things, the uproar of losing a job - hundreds even - is small, but if I thought in the grand scale of things all the time, I'd feel pretty insignificant, like "cog in the machine". My theory goes that: People have their lives, and they have the lives they read about. What people read, watch - absorb - is essentially fiction. They retain this information differently than if they experienced it first or second hand, obviously.

A plane crashes into the world trade centre in America, but did a plane crash into the Putre World trade centre or even into Suria KLCC, where my mom works? No, and for that reason the disaster cannot personally offend, insense me to the fullest. On a level, personal sympathy can be converted into political sensitivity which is why it is easier for someone to involved himself with a country even if it isn't his native country - a person NEEDS a country or countries to affiliate with, well not really, but it helps the process of self-identification in fact it could ultimately be harmful or sadistic to affiliate with a country (although Azrael in Dogma comes to mind). I can actually be quite objective about it, so that allows me to think about it in broad terms and connecting threads of information without the need for biased premises like "Arabs are terrorists".

It's a media frenzy though, crises like this put power into people's hand to manipulate the flow of information by misinforming. Whether a person actually stood in the world trade center WHILE it was being bombed or not is irrelevant, the fact that he told the story will undoubtely provoke sympathy and that is what the story will be trying to capture. Fiction in its purest form, from the horse's mouth, be it flogged dead or not.

It's shit, death sucks. We suffer we love with the fullest of emotion in the end. We die. But it's the beautiful existence that makes it worth it and that's the crime - asserting the choice of life or death on thousands of people - that is the most unforgivable and outspoken thing that should be realised out of this disaster.


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