January 08, 2002

B-real is the latino guy from Cypress Hill

So when I say Vanilla Ice sucks, I'm not saying every white rapper sucks, I'm saying it's not pleasing to my ears. I don't get anything out of listening to it.Iit has nothing to do with the physiological structure of a white males body or the way his larynx has evolved in comparison to a black male (I'm skewing my argument once again by picking a certain gender, girls I find are more of a mixed bag). I'm thinking of purely looking at rap closely, examining it, upside down through different filters, blah blah. These are cognitive experiments, I don't know. I also find that setting up a basis of comparison for things, creates a representation of how those things are seen. A good case in point is music review, people who critically look at paintings as well. I'm trying to do these things because as Ezra Pound says, you cannot write without first reading. I'm not contemplating writing about rap or being able to seperate the good shit from the bad, I want to write rap in my own way. And this is the exercise to help me do that. I just want to listen to rap and be qualitative about what I find, when a person looks for a patterns in analysing something, do the patterns actually exist or does that person impose them on the piece. I'm not interested in telling people what I think is there in rap songs and that those are what make or break rap songs, I want to say what I think are good things in rap songs.


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