Vin: Sir shocks me with his apathy. I care alot. I really do.
Arnold preaches liberal. I have no idea how the political system works either.
I was closely monitoring the development of the exit polls. Arnold hasn't officially been elected in office quite yet. The party in which he was awarded governorship was a Republican sponsored gig. The comments that were taken as Gray Davis acceptance of defeat were actually his words prior to entering the voting booth and after leaving church taken out of context. Immediately after the polls were closed, the three large news corporations published articles of Arnie's sealed victory on their websites.
Like I said, this victory is based on exit polls. People are asked who they voted for after they left the voting station and well, in another article, there was seen to be a descrepancy between the number of votes for governor-elect and votes towards a recall of governorship. Apparently people voted, no to a recall, and at the same time, for a Republican governor. Morons.
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