I'd never thought about it that way, Mikko. A publicity stunt! But why? They're like the most popular boy band in the world, as far as I know. I'm not really up on the whole boy band thing!
And now for Joli weight loss tips. That actually work! (they've worked for me, anyway, and I have no will power and the slowest metabolism known to man).
1. Eat a lot of fresh food. Fruit and vegetables.
2. Drink HEAPS of water. Like 2 litres a day! You will pee a lot, but you will lose weight.
3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 times a week.
4. Don't be discouraged by slow results.
5. Never starve yourself, if you're hungry, dammit EAT!
6. Keep a poster of Ricky Martin somewhere near your bed and imagine having an arse as sexy as his. (okay, this works for ME)
7. Don't drink too much fruit juice, if that be your beverage of choice (it's mine).
8. Do cardiovascular stuff (like walking, running, swimming) AND weights.
9. If you like take away food, and you MUST have it, limit it to like 2 times a week.
10. Promise yourself rewards. Like, if you lose 5 kgs you buy yourself something you really want.
In further news - you know Robert Patrick, who is Doggett on the X-Files, his brother used to be in Nine Inch Nails, and is now in Filter. Celebrity connection! I'll buy a vowel.
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