December 07, 2001

I'm the last person to ask if you want to purge shit, because I am the king of unpurged shit. I have a backlog of unpurged shit that there would be trouble - were the unpurged shit unpacked from my brain and flung against a McDonald's window and competed against other brain-purge, like soggy pickle slices, for the "most gravity driven" award. No really. If I wrote all that should be unpurged though, I have a fear of being empty. I will go out of my way to aggravate, annoy etc myself all in effort to make sure I'm alive enough to experience frustration. Frustration being the better part of the downside of life.

So I deliberately keep shit locked tight. Which I'm content to relieve whenever it becomes unbearable, it's a lesson in life though. The unspeakable things unspoken are the essences of life that are alternating blank segments in a double-spaced document.

I think I'm coming back on the 31st of Dec, arriving at like 2pm... what a time to arrive eh


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