January 12, 2001

twist twist
I'm confused
I feel the clues of being used

Whenever I write, I hesitate. It's quite annoying, it's like when your shitting and... ok, I won't continue that metaphor. But it's like when you have a huge idea on your mind, it might be language that limits the expressino of that idea. But that means it's out of our power to improve our expression, and that makes development sound futile. So it's blatantly not that. It might be a state of mind, if I'm excited, I wouldn't be able to articulate clearly what I'm feeling because I have so much energy I need to get rid of. Anger does about the same thing.

Is that too abstract for you? I may have to stick a paintbrush through my head.

jolly santas in a row
laughing at me wherever I go
I only look up and smile and wave
they give me the finger
and walk away.

And Technology is NOT gay. It merely needs soothing words to be spoken and soft caresses.


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