March 10, 2002

Vin/duckmonger: i hate listening to love songs. the only love song i truly enjoy is 'last goodbye' by jeff buckley because it's HONEST. He uses plain language and has an awesome voice. Download that mp3 NOW biznitch. Also, you crack me up.

Meekz: You are lucky to be in like the unversity capital of the world? How many universities are there in MA? Like 30 or something? Dude try to catch a Chomsky lecture, and report back to us PRONTO. This is your mission. Apparently it is easier to go hear Chomsky talk in fucking CANADA than it is in the USA. Also, how's the music scene going back in Malaysia? Do you hear from those guys? How are they? Dude, that is one evil looking picture, and did you lose weight again? Every time I see a picture of you, you are making an obscene gesture and you look thinner .

Han: How's France?


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