My apologies for lengths between posts. I finished my degree last week, and taking 5 subjects nearly killed me. Nearly. Yay, but I am alive.
It's supposed to be a permanent job. I started it last week - it's in one of the largest and oldest Australian banks, and I help people with their money... after about 1,000 weeks of training. No, not really, but close. It pays a decent amount, and I am just happy to have a job while I consider my next line of attack. Law is still an option, but for now I am content to learn something about the finance industry, while saving up for some travel. I had never pictured myself in a job like this, but I guess this is the part they always told us about as teenagers - that things like this come up, and you never know what you'll be doing. And it's a good opportunity: this bank owns quite a few banks in throughout North America and Europe (mostly the UK). There are opportunities to travel with this job, which to be quite honest, is all I really want to do. Ahh, multinationals.
I am having visions though, of helping a customer, looking at my computer screen, looking at them, then saying, "uh, you didn't really want that 10,000 dollars did you? Um, I think I did something wrong. Sorry. Guys." They should not be trusting haphazard newly 23-ed years olds like myself with anyone's finances.
What is really killing me though is the 9 -5 schtick. I haven't done that since ... ever. It's robotic. I'd be okay, normally, because I work in the CBD of Melbourne and my building over looks a very nice park. Unfortunately I have hayfever and severe allergies, so I am forced to spend most of my time inside the building, away from the lovely park. Damn you nature!
Also: Vin. I've been a vegetarian now for around 3 months. I think I am becoming deficient in protein or iron ... how do you keep your diet balanced? (Please mention something involving beer).