I heard the Grey Album. Very cool mix.
I'm at work. There's no school today, but it's still a working day. When I came to work on monday, I discovered that next week is spring break. I have no plans, but I've been toying with the idea of going to Taman Negara for a couple of days by myself.
I've been learning about mind maps lately.
Also I've been committing Blake's Songs of Innocence to memory (11 poems so far), they are tricksy but in order to memorise them, I need to break them down into rhythms and get a sense of the flow of the poem.
It puts all those techniques we learnt in High School in a completely different perspective. I mean apart from pointing out an alliteration or repetitions or echoes, they all serve to help you memorise a poem. A poet need to carefully distribute meaning in a poem, a poem is like a web of associations.
The difference between a repetition and an echo is that a repetition is word or a phrase reproduced in it's entirety. But an echo is an incomplete repetition.
For when we have learnt the heat to bear
The cloud will vanish; we shall hear his voice
Saying, "come out from the grove , my love and care
And round my golden tent like lamps we joy
Thus my mother spoke and kissed me,
And thus I say to little english boy,
Where I from black and he from white cloud free,
And round the tent of god like lambs we joy,
The final lines of the stanzas are echoes. The word cloud is a repetition, it is directly linked to skin color, but it's a complex metaphor that needs taking apart.
This should interest none of you, except Joli, in the slightest, but I'm curious to know what interests you these days. This is a slice of what I've been doing in my spare time.
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