January 24, 2001

I am feeling very excited and optimistic about the future also. I don't have that sensation of moving up and away like all of you guys do - because, unlike all of you, I've actually returned to my country of birth. I don't feel quite so liberated, although I do feel as though I'm maturing. I'm glad to be getting back to university. I can't tell you all how excited I am about this.

I've decided to study subjects that I am incredibly interested/passionate about, but in doing that I've shot myself in the foot. So, even though this is a period in my life where I can't really look anywhere but forward, I've got this feeling in the pit of my stomach, my practical conscience telling me that I will be unemployable at the end of my degree. For four years I will be be immersed in Political Science, History, English, Classics (as in languages) and Archaeology. I've always had a feeling I would like to be a teacher, and now it looks as though I won't have much luck finding a job *other than* teaching.

Although I have always wanted to be Indiana Jones too. So maybe the archaeology will help me with that.


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