December 13, 2001

I like this new no-frills layout.

purging leaves oneself with a _feeling_ of emptiness. I'm not sure I feel empty whenever I do get round to venting my insecurities. Also, I know I need to foreground how I feel about certain things. I'm also comfortable with any pattern of venting. Life is a huge vent for insecurity. Does insecurity, in relation to the world as we know it, seem as significant as someone else's suffering? Not like contextualising insecurity to justify how I feel, I was reading about Frederick Douglass last night and I lacked concentration to complete even 10 pages of his narrative. It may not be "relevant" in the literal sense, as it was back in the 19C, but it is still significant. Although I feel that it milks the emotions, attempts to bolster political argument ie: fronting a black man in front of a racist discussion. It is a narrative, and there are many things coming into play I cannot consider.

emptiness, purging, anything related to the self is transient. I find that after a bout of concentration, I will have been rested in a completely uncomfortable position while I was concentrating. Does that make everything I do require utter silence and concentration? I don't know. I know that by this constant reminder, satisfaction does not equal comfort, and vice versa. viva les wrong frames of minds.

On a different note, I will now describe the sound of anonymous donkey that grazes on thrushes by industrial pondscum.
freed, later pace sway back forth grass leaves trees. God lives and grieves where pussy willows pussy-foot salient issues.


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