June 28, 2001

What are all these new mp3 search applications that are cropping up on the internet, I guess with Napster gone... Well I couldn't hear the interview because I don't have that "satellite" program thing.

I grieve for Lemmon as well, he animated his movies amazingly, back in the day.

And now for a somewhat disjointed entry:

Oh yes ... I forgot. He (Chopper) only killed fellow 'scum'. Yep, he's Australian (my heart bursts with pride...). He lives in Tasmania now. Good.

I didn't listen to the Chomsky thing ... what did I miss?

I drank too much coffee today. My head hurts.

I love Tom Cavanagh.

This is how girls can pee standing up.

Big Brother ends in two weeks ... can't ... stop ... shaking ... meeehehhhhhh.

Jack Lemmon died today. Yet another one of the greats is gone. I'm sure Vin will sympathise.

June 27, 2001

Are we talking about Mark "Chopper" Read?

If we are, then this is what I know:

Basically this guy, nicknamed "Chopper", was a psycopathic killer sometime in the 1980's. He cut off his own ears, is covered in tattoos. He's a cold blooded killer but he'd go so far as to drive his victims to hospital.

When he was in jail he wrote books, and they became best sellers. A year or so ago they made a movie about him, which was actually very successful.

He's something of a cult hero because he showed remorse after killing the people he did, is actually very intelligent and has built up his life to be something. He knows exactly what he is (a murderer and scum), and doesn't deny it. He is scary, but has a witty sense of humour.

That's all I know about him really. I saw him on the news a couple of nights ago, and they were showing him scenes from the movie based on his life, and at points when he was killing people he was actually laughing.

June 26, 2001

Funniest. Thing. Ever.

Ali G and Mohammad Al Fayed rapping along to 'Here Comes the Hotstepper.'


June 25, 2001

music ties, roles back the eyes and talk in languages sublime
behind serene a beautiful scene much more than the thoughts that we hide.

June 24, 2001

Yo meekz, I tried to post this picture in your guestbook.

I've got food poisoning like a bitch so I may be out of action for the next few days.

ARghhgahr bleeeerrrggh.

June 23, 2001

It's amazing how easily music can transport you back to a time or place (for better or worse).

I listen to Tool - who I might be getting to see next month here in Melbourne - and I have visions of Han. ICP, and we're in the Kancil with Mikko. DMB or Radiohead, and I can almost HEAR Vin cursing the passing motorists as he merges lanes. I listen to Live's album Selling the Drama, and it's 6am, and I'm getting on the bus in Bukit Damansara and off to school. Scarily, I hear anything by the Village People and I'm at Brannigans with Yan, Nish, Avhan, Ahmad, Kevin McLeod, Rish, Han, and we're on the dancefloor. Anything RnBish, and we're all at Heaven.

I'm going to go destroy all my music now. Hehe.

You guys don't know *how much* I would love to go back to KL for a holiday. It's actually more of a possiblity for my summer vacation, which is, of course, when there are less people visiting. We shall see anyway.

June 22, 2001

It IS physically worse for you if you smoke once a week or once in a while. I don't know about psychologically - I've gone for a month or more without the cravings. I don't know really. A strange habit. Weirdness to the max.

June 21, 2001

Smoking. A hot topic for us all.

I don't know if I can classify myself as a real smoker. I remember my first cigarette (with Alleena Abdullah). It was at TGIF on Jalan Sultan Ismail, and I was sixteen. We were sitting at the bar, having a few drinks, and I said 'fuck it, give me a smoke.' Up until then I was MILITANTLY anti-smoking, mainly because my parents were both ex-smokers (my mother quit for 8 years, then started again). Now I have a smoke maybe once a week. If I go out, I probably smoke around 10 a week. I go for weeks and weeks without smoking (and without withdrawal mania), and then I'll have one, and it will be sweet.

I USED to be a full on smoker. I'm talking half a pack a day - mainly because I was really bored, the cigarettes were cheap, and I LOVED to smoke. I still do, quite honestly, but I don't have the psychological/physical dependency that I once did.

Writing about this has actually made me want to smoke. I haven't in a week.

Le sigh.

June 20, 2001

Here are some tips to help blogger working (especially for Mikko , who seems to be encountering the most difficulties of us all).

1. Use Netscape . Internet Explorer eats posts, won't load blogger sometimes, etc. So try to use Netscape.

2. If you DO use Internet Explorer, I find that the longer the post is, or the less often you post, the more likely it is to get eaten. So post short, and often.

If none of this helps, we're going to have to find another way to update. Probably your old regular html stuff.

June 16, 2001

Yeah, I reckon we may have to change our posting format.

Any ideas, anyone?

June 15, 2001

You doth sing to me with your philosophising, Vin.

At my university the language building is actually called 'Babel Tower' and is one of the oldest buildings at the uni. Also, there is a visiting professor from Durham giving some guest lectures to the history faculty at school these holidays. What a small world!

And now another question I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on.

What's love? What's being in love all about?

Han, dude:

I am trying to post to corpus with not purpose, but for some reason it won't let me at the moment. Will continue to try. Battle on, I shall.

June 13, 2001

The bible shows that no matter how many people read a book, they'll always come up with something different, despite perhaps subscribing to the same beliefs.

"do not take out the spec out of your brother's eye, while ignoring the plank in your own" (a paraphrased biblical verse) and of course, "eye for an eye".... Religion is a reflection of the internal set of values one has projected upon a public and universal structure.

ALSO: I know this page gets a few readers. So come and introduce yourself on the discuss board. We won't hurt you. Much. BwahahAHAHA!

Vin - I also found McVeigh's choice of final statement intriguing. I think it has something to do with the fact that he knew, when he blew up that building in Oklahoma City, he was going to die for it. In that respect, he has been the master of his fate, and the captain of his soul - he brought his own death upon himself, his actions were deliberate and thoroughly premeditated (and thus, so was his death). He never even tried to get away. He wanted to be caught.

Also interesting to note that despite the fact he never apologised (explicitly) for the murders of those people and never expressed regret over his reactions, he observed final rites and confessed before he died (basically asked for a pardon from the Roman Catholic god). Hmmm.

On the death penalty: I don't quite know. I used to think I was for it, in my little biblical 'eye for an eye' ideology. I tend to think differently now, but I can't pinpoint the moment or the idea that influenced me to change my mind. Putting a man to death is easy, and doesn't bring back the lives he has taken or clear him of any other crime he had committed. You're right, it does cost a lot. And taking a life, for whatever reason, is not right. I seriously doubt, in the long term, whether the families of the victims feel any better about having lost their loved ones.

Oh, and I want to punch Britney Spears.

That is all.

June 11, 2001

Well I'm aware that Britney Spears condones the death penalty, which is more than enough condoning for me. I mean, I should be condoning her dammit.


Timothy McVeigh dies tonight.

Now here is my (much debated, old old old question, sick of talking about it) question to you:

do you support the death penalty?

June 05, 2001

a serious note

A close friend of ours, a certain girl upon the spa, has just given news of the death of her grandfather.

Sympathies to the Khalis family.

June 02, 2001

A poem about malaysia, I wrote a couple of weeks back. reformasi!!!

morning sing of siren sounds
and anxious turette screams
and motorbikes are guttural and exhaust;
of buses missed and panic hit when trying to get to school.
In older years I'd wake up at 4, go swimming in the pool?

Sunning till noon, indifferent of spring
is beside the point, we're here to do the learning
and mix between the graveyard stones.
Air-condition freeze our brains and leave us all alone.
Candid encounters and lazy days achieve prospects I'd
dream to give away.

the future beckons brightly
though I'm particular about the past
the class sits emulsified, and
happy to stay for another glass
teh ais limau
steak marinaded with beer
consuption crowns the great effect
and somehow draws us nearer.

with cheap CDs and food for dimes
as we celebrate each day and come out unsafe.
our contents have been
carefully displaced
from their previously inert states

of 999
and Lemons. And Lymes amazing shows
from time to time.
Malaysia inspiration in our minds
and sons
and capital for everyone
Western states
politeness. "Delay the brightness",
We somehow end up fine.

Yes, it was the stuff about the gulags.

Say it 10 times fast. It'll put a smile on your face.