A poem about malaysia, I wrote a couple of weeks back. reformasi!!!
morning sing of siren sounds
and anxious turette screams
and motorbikes are guttural and exhaust;
of buses missed and panic hit when trying to get to school.
In older years I'd wake up at 4, go swimming in the pool?
Sunning till noon, indifferent of spring
is beside the point, we're here to do the learning
and mix between the graveyard stones.
Air-condition freeze our brains and leave us all alone.
Candid encounters and lazy days achieve prospects I'd
dream to give away.
the future beckons brightly
though I'm particular about the past
the class sits emulsified, and
happy to stay for another glass
teh ais limau
steak marinaded with beer
consuption crowns the great effect
and somehow draws us nearer.
with cheap CDs and food for dimes
as we celebrate each day and come out unsafe.
our contents have been
carefully displaced
from their previously inert states
of 999
and Lemons. And Lymes amazing shows
from time to time.
Malaysia inspiration in our minds
and sons
and capital for everyone
Western states
politeness. "Delay the brightness",
We somehow end up fine.