Sounds like the term "terrorist attack" is slipping into the annals of urban mythology. Right after El Nino and others.
Meeks: Highly respected sources smack donkeys on the ass and enjoy getting hooves to the head.
A group blog by people who went to the same international (high) school, the International School of Kuala Lumpur. Now scattered across the globe, also available at theoddword at hotmail dot com.
Sounds like the term "terrorist attack" is slipping into the annals of urban mythology. Right after El Nino and others.
In Melbourne. Just broke up with boyfriend. Weather is shit sometimes, good other times. I am feeling good.
In London, having a decent time, there's a new influx of women at the college. But I have bad faith, I think I should just punch myself in the nuts.
Sorry I haven't been posting - I've been away for a few days. I feel really weird and shit about things. I will write more later, so stay tuned for my angst.
I'm already in UK right now and yes it was a bit tense to fly over the middle east. Tense in the sense of flying with no pretense puts me in a tremense. spooopy. Gimme a call if it tickles your fancy, upon reaching London, I'm low on cash, but we might be able to cook up an encounter.
nah, in the grand scale of things, the uproar of losing a job - hundreds even - is small, but if I thought in the grand scale of things all the time, I'd feel pretty insignificant, like "cog in the machine". My theory goes that: People have their lives, and they have the lives they read about. What people read, watch - absorb - is essentially fiction. They retain this information differently than if they experienced it first or second hand, obviously.
There have been threats all over the world, shit, nowhere is safe! I was thinking the same thing, Vin ... I don't think the terrorists, whoever they were, do not want to piss off their Muslim brothers at this stage in the proceedings. But let's be real here. Whoever did it, for whatever cause, is fucked. F.U.C.K.E.D. You don't piss off the richest and best armed nation in the world, and then think you're going to get away with it. You'd have to be absolutely fucked in the head. No one can save them now.
Vin - hilarious.
About Vinny's disturbing picture: That's the clown from "IT", so "not caring" puts me into a position that makes me feel like the clown from "IT". The clown scared the pants off me, especially when I covered my eyes at the beginning of the film and my friend told me that he had ripped off the little boys arms.
I have set up a temporary blog with links to some articles from around the internet:
A teaser. Mmm. Hitler's missing testicle. What a plan.
This is a teaser for a comic book that I'm sure people would have fun reading, I haven't read it myself: