In light of just having turned 23 (16 October), and finishing uni in a few weeks (14 November), I just got a job. Yay!
October 25, 2003
THE ODD WORD has an email address, for your convenience.
Forward all correspondence, heartwarming or otherwise, to that address.
October 12, 2003
(By Hercules!)
Rebecca, ecce! tantae clunes isti sunt!
(Rebecca, behold! Such large buttocks she has!)
amica esse videtur istorum hominum rhythmicorum.
(She appears to be a girlfriend of one of those rhythmic-oration people.)
sed, ut scis,
(But, as you know)
quis homines huiusmodi intellegere potest?
(Who can understand persons of this sort?)
Han: I have made moves to reopen Corpus of no Purpose as a discussion/review/bitch site.
October 11, 2003
Vin: Sir shocks me with his apathy. I care alot. I really do.
Arnold preaches liberal. I have no idea how the political system works either.
I was closely monitoring the development of the exit polls. Arnold hasn't officially been elected in office quite yet. The party in which he was awarded governorship was a Republican sponsored gig. The comments that were taken as Gray Davis acceptance of defeat were actually his words prior to entering the voting booth and after leaving church taken out of context. Immediately after the polls were closed, the three large news corporations published articles of Arnie's sealed victory on their websites.
Like I said, this victory is based on exit polls. People are asked who they voted for after they left the voting station and well, in another article, there was seen to be a descrepancy between the number of votes for governor-elect and votes towards a recall of governorship. Apparently people voted, no to a recall, and at the same time, for a Republican governor. Morons.
October 10, 2003
It's a little bit surreal. Arnie: Governor elect. I am frightened, just a little.
It's true. California is under the shit hammer. I worked it out the other day: if I'm not in Melbourne, I'm in California (my extended family live there). Every time I go there, things are a little different. You can really see the social effects of a state in distress. The state, physically, looks to be in disrepair. My guess is that Californians are pretty much willing to try anything at this stage.
I am not sure how politics works in America (believe it - or not - the area of political science I have specialised in focused more on Asia and Africa). I once thought I knew something about it, then George Bush Jr became president. I'm not sure Americans know much about their political system, for all the civics classes they are forced to take at the high school level.
October 07, 2003
So we've read all the stuff in the news about Shwarzenegger, we've obviously all read what Greg Palast has to say about Shwarzenegger, we've also obviously read the candid Arnold Shwarzenegger interview in Playboy's OUI magazine off the smoking gun website.
What are your thoughts?
I'll would go first, but I need to go to sleep. You may laugh, but my level of concentration is down.
October 05, 2003
Oy vey. Law is in the back of my mind. Every now and again I think about it, and it evokes good feelings, but then I get distracted by this or the pile of books sitting next to my bed that are saying things like "Joli! Read me! You don't need to study! I am interesting and no where in my pages will you find any mention of network society or theories on democracy!" All I need to do is fill in a few forms and wait until January, but it all seems like a lot. Committing myself to another 3 years of study at my age (a few weeks short of 23 years old) seems like too much.
The doors are not shut, there are alot of doors open, I just need to choose. For once I must be decisive! Then again, should I choose to study law, I need to decide which universities I want to apply to.
But now, back to the study (civic malaise, very interesting). Only another 5 weeks of class and, ideally, I will have a B.A. in political science (international relations) and English literature. Unless I want to do that honours year.
Hear that? My brain just exploded.