toot toot!
da bike police.
toot toot!
da bike police.
A group blog by people who went to the same international (high) school, the International School of Kuala Lumpur. Now scattered across the globe, also available at theoddword at hotmail dot com.
Well that is much more than I have to say about the two reporters. I've seen his book, I think it was controversial when it came out. Put forth alot of negative notions of the British way of life, something like that.
Johnathan Dimbleby?! He sounds like a character from a bad Dicken novel. Just kidding, I know who he is. He's a good mediator like all reporters epitomising the political milieu so very well. Disappointing though, the political beliefs imbue a reporter rather than a reporters ethics pragmatically imbuing his political beliefs. Jeremy Paxman is good, he gets politicians to commit to things, a commiting politician is at least a promising politician, heh.
I was talking Northern Hemispheric summer, yo. Yay!
Just a quick show of hands, please: who all are going to be in K.L. next summer? Forgive me if I've already asked this question, I be havin' a short term memory, mon.
multiple sex squared
I think Blogger is being a fucking bastard again.
I love what it says on that tshirt. Why? Because it's fucking true!
strangeness can orgy, you started with the wrong premise. You have to say, "yes, orgies of strangeness can occur", thus intercourse of orgies is possible. My prevailing evidence would be that witches and mummies can for instance have sex.
GRRR, Mikko! You're an ANIMAL! Work the camera, make love to the camera! GRrr baby, yeah!
An expressions I particularly enjoyed from Vin's response: "orgy of strangeness."
I'm going to make a new website because it pisses me off that I can't look at my site. Posterity held constant, I like to look at my bland site and think people appreciate the bitch. Had a colonial writing lecture today which felt like a concussion. I hate it when the lecturer reads off of a sheet of paper, equals no charisma and flat subject matter.