Sorry you haven't heard from me in a while, guys: it's a case of having too
much stuff to do, and not enough time to do it in (and also wasting time
watching a lot of South Park and reading Harry Potter books. More on that
Vin: I really can't comment on the comments made be the new Israeli PM. I
wish I could help you out, but my political attentions have recently been
focused inwards. Australia is in a state of complete and utter political
turmoil: I think there is a Chinese Proverb that says "may you live in
interesting times", and we sure as hell are, kiddies! And not just
politically. Australia has been plunged into recession, suffering at the
mercy of the US dollar and an incredibly incompetent PM. Foot and mouth has
now been reported on Australian shores. One of Australia's major exports is
beef, and with the Australian economy already being reamed in the anus
already ... I dread to think.
Things are askew in the world, most certainly. More things than I could
possible comment on here.
Seeing the images of the livestock being burned in England is heart breaking
stuff. My heart really goes out to those farmers who are destroying
thousands of heads of cattle, not knowing whether they actually HAVE foot
and mouth or not. It must be fucking awful for them to have to do that.
It's a very interesting thought, Vin, that you should suspect that perhaps
foot and mouth was introduced. You never know. It's hard to know who to
trust nowadays. Hidden political agendas frighten me.
As for the music industry: again, I plead ignorance. Also, the French
suck. (Just Kidding).
And now for some lighthearted stuff: I'm currently reading the second Harry
Potter book. I was hanging out with my 13 year old cousin the other day and
she has now got me hooked. If you love Roald Dahl, you'd love J.K. Rowling.
These books don't talk down to children: they are funny, complicated and
very engaging. Sometimes I need a break from the Homeric Hymns and debate
on parliamentary socialism: and South Park/Harry Potter are sweet release.
Avhan is going to be visiting me in Melbourne over Easter, which should be
bloody fantastic. I bumped into Anita Emery in downtown Melbourne the other
day, and I will be catching up with her soon.
More to come.